10 Low-Sugar Fruits, Fruits to Limit, and How Fruit Affects Blood Sugar
In this FREE guide, you’ll learn:
10 diabetes-safe fruits that are low in sugar
Fruits to limit or avoid
How fruit affects your blood sugar
Fruits and their sugar content
Healthy tips for eating fruit with diabetes
It’s important for people with diabetes to be careful about what they eat, especially when it comes to sweet foods. That’s what can make eating fruit so tricky. Even though fruits are natural and full of healthy vitamins and minerals, many of them also pack in fructose (the sugar found in fruit), a carbohydrate that can raise your blood glucose levels. The good news is that fruits are fine to eat so long as you monitor the types and amounts.
No fruit should be considered “bad” for people with diabetes, but some fruits have a higher sugar content than others and may affect your glucose levels more.
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Download the Free Guide to Eating Fruit With Diabetes
Low-Sugar Fruits, Fruits to Limit, and How Fruit Affects Blood Sugar
Eating Fruit with Diabetes:
A Free Guide
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